BrickKicker Client Care Training

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Problem: The BrickKicker provides home inspections and ancillary services to home buyers. These are scheduled either by the buyer or the buyer’s agent. The goal is to increase the close rate on incoming calls from 60% to 80%. The current close rate is low due to incomplete information gathered from customers and the inability to relay the value of the product to customers consistently. Client Care Coordinators are not asking the right questions or getting the right information to callers to sell them on the value of the services.

Solution: This scenario-based e-learning course trains Client Care Coordinators to build value with the caller at every opportunity in order to increase their close rate. Their objectives are to obtain useful information from the caller, tailor their sales pitch to the caller's needs or concerns, state the price quote appropriately, and overcome price objections during a call. 

Tools used: Articulate Storyline 360, Canva

Highlights: This scenario-based e-learning course uses custom drag and drops, click-to-reveal interactions, an accordion interaction, and immediate feedback  for learners showing how their choices during a call affect the sale. The final quiz questions are scenario-based.

Bloodborne Pathogens Training

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Tools used: Articulate Rise 360, Microsoft Powerpoint, Canva

Problem: Evergreen General Hospital needs to provide bloodborne pathogen safety training to all new hires for employee safety and compliance purposes.

Solution: This training prepares all new employees to use engineering controls in the prevention of bloodborne pathogen infection, follow best work practices for infection prevention, utilize PPE correctly for infection prevention, and follow post-exposure procedures promptly.

Highlights: This interactive e-learning course includes flip cards, carousels, a scenario, tab interactions, drag and drops, markers, and  scenario-based quiz questions.